John Derbyshire, in his "November Diary" at National Review Online, hits the nail on the head. There's no doubt that the problems we face are very complicated, but Derb's brief comments cut right to the heart of the matter: At some point, we became a nation of pussies:
Randall Parker wonders why we are such pussies about these Somali pirates. Well, why wouldn't we be? We’re pussies about everything else.
We’re pussies about capital punishment. Instead of speedily dispatching psychopaths who commit beastly murders, we give them 15 years of free gym time and cable TV while we wring our hands about their rights. Then, if we finally decide to give the swine what they deserve, we make their exit as hygienic and painless as possible. Why? Because we’re squealing, simpering girlies, that’s why.
We’re pussies about enemy nations, embarking on decades-long, trillion-dollar campaigns to make them love us, instead of quick ten-million-dollar lessons in why they should fear us. Why? Because we seek love and approval, like the furrowed-brow, teary-eyed, compassionate pansies we are.
We’re pussies about people who come to our country without permission, stay here without permission, work without permission, and leech on our school, hospital, and welfare systems. Eisenhower rounded them up and expelled them, but we’re assured we can’t do that. We can’t, we can’t. Why can’t we? Because we are timid, cringing, mincing, driveling, sniveling, weeping, moaning, soft, flabby, PC pussies, that’s why.
While all the talk about pussies is definitely the highlight, Derb's whole Diary is worth a read.
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